This is the first version. Click here for the second version.
🔍 Problem
Developers are lazy and curious. Repetitive tasks annoy them.
💡 Solution
No Code tools help you build things without writing code. Blogs, forums, mobile apps, online stores and a lot more can be built without knowing how to code.
The life of a no-code tool starts with developers solving their own problems.
Most no-code tools share this path 👇
- Developers write reusable functions to write less code
- Then they create frameworks to write even less code
- Then they deploy APIs to help others write less code
- Then they create no code tools to help others write no code
🏁 Players
No-Code Products
- RandomPizza — by Whit Anderson
- Writers Compound — by KP
- Qoins — by Nate Washington and Christian Alexander
- Cuppa — by KP
- Coffee for Closers — by Vik Duggal
- Pastryy — by Aj Picard
- NoCode GIFs — by Ash
- Hey Marketers — by Corey Haines
- Channels Stack — by Alexander Olssen
- Pemvee — by Arjun Mahadevan
No-Code Makers
- Sharath Kuruganty
- String Nguyen
- Helen Ryles
- Cole Derochie
- Philip Lakin
- James Eldersveld
- Matthieu Bodin
- Nico
- Quentin Villard
- Jens Lennartsson
- Anita Kirkovska
No-Code Tools
🔮 Predictions
- No-Code Developer (or some variation) will become a common job title.
- No-Code will become a gateway drug for makers to start coding.
- No-Code ➡ Low-Code ➡ Code — New businesses will follow this path. Mature companies will have all three.
☁️ Opportunities
- Build a no-code tool to create chrome extensions
- Host a no-code virtual summit
- Host a no-code hackathon
- Join a no-code community
- Start a no-code blog or newsletter
- Start a no-code investment fund
- Build a no-code agency
- Move to the no-code capital of the world. Atlanta.
😠 Haters
“Atlanta isn’t the no-code capital of the world.”
Of course it is.
“You can’t build a business on no-code.”
I wrote Million Dollar No Code Businesses to dismiss this. It doesn’t matter what we think because it has already happened.
“No-Code can’t scale.”
Most no-code tools can scale but it doesn’t matter. Scaling isn’t the hard part. Traction is. Once you validate demand, I’ll come scale it for you. 💰👀
“No-Code will eliminate developer jobs.”
I won’t argue. DM me a falsifiable theory and your confidence level. Let’s make a bet.
🔗 Links
- CodeLess — A podcast by Edmund Amoye
- Let’s clear some stuff up about ‘no-code’ — A tweetstorm by Ben Tossell
- No-Code Coffee — A newsletter by Michael Gill
- The Rise of “No Code” — An examination of the no-code movement by Ryan Hoover
- NoCode Camp — A mastermind by KP and Joe Brown
- MakerPad — An education platform by Ben Tossell
- Codeless Ventures — An investment fund by Michael Gill
- No Code List — A list of tools by Drew Thomas
- Nocode Rumble — A challenge by Sako and Michael Gill
- No Code Founders — A community of makers by Joshua Tiernan