Directories: No-Code, Monetization, Curation

​​“Lists are a form of power.” — A.S. Byatt

Get Full Access to Trends Pro

❓ What You’ll Learn

  • How to build directories quickly with no-code and low-code tools?
  • How to use directories to build communities?
  • How to create proprietary metrics to enrich directories?
  • How to monetize your directory?
  • How to use directories to attract customers?
  • How to crowdsource content?
  • How defensible are directories?

💎 Why It Matters

Directories save users time and help you build a defensible business. 

🔍 Problem

Finding useful information can be messy, time-consuming and inaccurate.   

💡 Solution

Directories help you sift through noise to find useful information.

🏁 Players


Directory Tools 

  • Webflow • No-code website builder
  • Notion • Build and share tables
  • Airtable • Build and export databases
  • WordPress • Open-source content management platform
  • Ghost • Publishing platform

🔮 Predictions

  • Directories will be quickly built in response to world events with no-code and low-code tools.
    • The city of Los Angeles used low-code to build an online application for COVID-19 testing within 72 hours
    • Caspio provides a free no-code development to help Ukraine.
  • Online communities will build their own directories as lead magnets.
    • No Code MBA accesses communities within its community.
    • r/FindaReddit has a directory for finding subreddits.
    • IMDB lets you create lists within its site. 

☁️ Opportunities

  • Welcome user-generated content. Crowdsourcing helps you leverage the time and knowledge of others to build directories.
    • Pexels lets you upload and find free stock photos
    • Yelp lets you create and manage a free listing for your business. 
    • HubSpot lets your business join its directory. 
    • Luc Meijer asks his Twitter followers for no-code resources. 
    • Jessica Gore asks her Twitter followers for resources to help IP attorneys, students, and professors. 
    • Jessie van Breugel asks his followers on Twitter who he should talk to about online marketing, paid ads, and SEO. 

🏔️ Risks

  • Chicken or the Egg • If your directory relies on user-generated content, you’ll need to find a way to get your first contributions. 
  • Spam •  Letting users post content opens you up to the risk of low-quality content.
  • Market Risk • Avoid building a directory that no one cares about. Do keyword research to find patterns in searches.

🔑 Key Lessons

  • User-generated content with quality controls is a reliable way to source content. 
  • Long-tail keywords lead to higher conversions than generic keywords and pages. 
  • You can use directories as a marketing tool for a related product.
  • It’s easier than ever to create your own directory using no-code tools. Alex Friedman built and sold FounderGigs using Airtable and Softr.  

🔥 Hot Takes

  • Directories don’t have to look great. They need to provide valuable information. See Craigslist.  
  • Piggyback on existing directories to source content and improve the experience. Doing this saves time
  • No-code tools such as Airtable should be used as a quick-and-dirty way to validate your ideas. 

😠 Haters

“What’s defensible about a directory?”
Very little unless you update content regularly, build proprietary metrics and a brand around your directory.

“Can Google justify rebuilding NomadList? They have a much stronger network to market it.
No. They would rather route traffic to them. Google curates directories and profits from ad spend instead of creating directories. Unless the potential market is massive. 

“Why would anyone want to use my directory?”
If you pick a topic at random, they may not. Build a directory on a topic that you know well and leverage your expertise to ensure the directory provides real value. Lower market risk by doing keyword research and filling a known gap in available information. 

It feels like all the good ideas have already been done. What should I make a directory for?”
Build a directory for the thing you know best. Even if a directory already exists for something, you could curate an entirely different set of resources. Niche directories are on the rise. Try building something for your local community.

🔗 Links

  1. Looking for good examples of directories • The tweet behind this report. 
  2. How to Find Backlinks (For Any Website) • Blog post from Semrush.
  3. How to Launch a Product With No Money and No Customers • A post on Indie Hackers.

📁 Related Reports

🙏 Thanks

Thanks to Soma Mandel, Camille Cocaud, Darren Travel, Yarty, Peter Duffy, Uwe Dreissigacker, Vishal Srivastava, Krish, Stewart Townsend, Lu, Daniel Berggren, Natwar Maheshwari, Katt Risen, Stephanie H., Lola Ojabowale, and Yun. We had a great time jamming on this report.

✏️ Harry researched and wrote this report. Dru researched and edited this report.

📈 What else?

Trends PRO #0098 — Directories has more insights.

What you’ll get:

  • 37 Directories (363% More)
  • 13 Directory Tools (160% More)
  • 12 Predictions (300% More)
  • 12 Opportunities (200% More)
  • 6 Risks (100% More)
  • 7 Key Lessons (75% More)
  • 5 Hot Takes (67% More)
  • 12 Links (300% More)

With Trends Pro you’ll learn: 

  • (📈 Pro) How to find a topic for your directory?
  • (📈 Pro) How to collect data for your directory?
  • (📈 Pro) How to use programmatic SEO to drive traffic to directories?
  • (📈 Pro) How to use directories to build backlinks?
  • (📈 Pro) How curation can become a career?
  • (📈 Pro) How to get businesses to pay to be included in a directory?
  • (📈 Pro) How to use directories to bring attention to charities?
  • (📈 Pro) How to use directories of directories to promote your business?
  • (📈 Pro) How to use directories to build your personal brand?
  • (📈 Pro) How to discover communities via directories?
  • (📈 Pro) How to use AI to filter directories?
  • (📈 Pro) How to build a job board?
  • (📈 Pro) How to build your directory to sell?
  • (📈 Pro) How can boutique search engines make it easier to parse niche information?
  • (📈 Pro) How to use directories as a growth tool?
  • And much more…

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    📈 Unlock Pro Reports, 1:1 Intros and Masterminds

    Become a Trends Pro Member and join 1,200+ founders enjoying…

    🧠 Founder Mastermind Groups • To share goals, progress and solve problems together, each group is made up of 6 members who meet for 1 hour each Monday.

    📈 100+ Trends Pro Reports • To make sense of new markets, ideas and business models, check out our research reports.

    💬 1:1 Founder Intros • Make new friends, share lessons and find ways to help each other. Keep life interesting by meeting new founders each week.

    🧍 Daily Standups • Stay productive and accountable with daily, async standups. Unlock access to 1:1 chats, masterminds and more by building standup streaks.

    💲 100k+ Startup Discounts • Get access to $100k+ in startup discounts on AWS, Twilio, Webflow, ClickUp and more.

    📈 Advanced Growth Tactics ⚙️ Building 🤩 Personal Brands

    This week’s Founder Finds includes:

    • Building
    • An AI-powered video editor
    • A knowledge base app for notes
    • A newsletter of advanced growth tactics
    • A deep dive into AI opportunities for founders
    • And more…

    🪶 Remember This

    Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.

    🤓 Fav Finds

    Tools, tweets and more from Trends Pro Members

    Generative Tech Begins shared by Stewart Townsend
    A deep dive into the emerging sector of generative AI with opportunities for founders.

    🎞️ Descript Storyboard shared by Elena Vargas
    An AI-powered tool that lets you edit video like a text document.

    📈 Growth Marketing Newsletter shared by Tem
    A high-signal weekly newsletter of advanced growth tactics.

    🔧 Try This


    This is my go-to editor for notes. It’s an open-source and extensible Roam Research alternative that I use for everything from storing recipes to mastermind updates.

    🌟 Founder of the Week

    Michael Pearson-Adams

    Trends Pro has become a part of my day, a part of my life. I’ve made friends, created great contacts, and have access to an amazing hive mind of incredible people when I need it. Trends Pro is one subscription that isn’t going anywhere. I’m very grateful for it.”

    Michael is building MPA Creative houses my art gallery business, a music production house, course creation, and corporate coaching. Also, the book series is leading the way and heading up the course creation. 

    What’s your most important habit?
    My most important habit is the way I make coffee and the time I take to do it every morning.

    It’s an event, from the measuring of the beans to the grind to the tamp, and finally to the pulling of those shots of espresso.

    This happens every day twice. Once at the very beginning of my day, and once halfway through my day.

    These moments are spaces for me to think, assess, plan, breathe, and then spend ten minutes focusing purely on the coffee. This helps me every day, and happens every day without fail.

    What are you reading right now?
    You Can’t Always Get What You Want: My Life with the Rolling Stones, the Grateful Dead and other wonderful Reprobates by Sam Cutler.

    I’ve known Sam for years. I’ve never read his book. He hassled me about it the moment I landed back in Australia. So now I’m reading it, and it’s awesome. I regret not reading it sooner.

    What product or service do you wish existed?
    Faster planes. Concorde still wouldn’t be fast enough. The older I get the more I hate sitting in a metal tube for hours on end.

    What product are you obsessively using right now?
    I live by DoTalk. Go see and you’ll understand.

    What’s your favorite Trends Report?
    🤩 Personal Brands and 🙌 Audience-First Products

    Love them both. Actually I love every damn report. But these two are constant gold mines for me.

    What else?
    It’s so much easier to criticize than it is to create.
    Creating is putting yourself out into the world. Saying this is me.
    Be proud of what you do.
    Be proud of who you are.
    Much love,

    👀 Watch This


    Ian and I jumped on a call for the Demand Curve Growth Summit. We talked about growing newsletters, building support networks and doing comfort challenges.

    🏆 Trends Pro Member Wins

    🆕 Shuyen Phoon, Elijah Buford and Nando became Trends Pro Members

    👥 Felipe Collins, Shuyen Phoon and Elijah Buford unlocked 1:1 Founder Intros by joining daily standups

    🗓️ Parth Pareek launched Loopin on Product Hunt

    👔 Tom Maciejewski’s list of 100 B2B marketing and growth LinkedIn creators went viral

    💻 Elijah Buford created a landing page for his no-code agency

    🧠 Jawad Sefiani unlocked Masterminds by reaching a 30-day standup streak

    Get Weekly Reports

    Join 65,000+ founders and investors

      📈 Unlock Pro Reports, 1:1 Intros and Masterminds

      Become a Trends Pro Member and join 1,200+ founders enjoying…

      🧠 Founder Mastermind Groups • To share goals, progress and solve problems together, each group is made up of 6 members who meet for 1 hour each Monday.

      📈 100+ Trends Pro Reports • To make sense of new markets, ideas and business models, check out our research reports.

      💬 1:1 Founder Intros • Make new friends, share lessons and find ways to help each other. Keep life interesting by meeting new founders each week.

      🧍 Daily Standups • Stay productive and accountable with daily, async standups. Unlock access to 1:1 chats, masterminds and more by building standup streaks.

      💲 100k+ Startup Discounts • Get access to $100k+ in startup discounts on AWS, Twilio, Webflow, ClickUp and more.

      🏎️ Racecar Growth Framework 🏋️ Comfort Challenges 📣 Audience Building Pitfalls

      This week’s Founder Finds includes:

      • An alternative to Bitly
      • An interview with Dru
      • The Racecar Growth Framework
      • A tool to test AI image generators
      • Why “building an audience” can be a waste of time
      • And more…

      🪶 Remember This

      Make it work. Then make it pretty.

      🤓 Fav Finds

      Tools, tweets and more from Trends Pro Members

      ⭐️ Build a Business, Not an Audience shared by Simon Daley
      An essay on why “building an audience” can be a waste of time.

      🖌️ Playground AI shared by Stewart Townsend
      A tool to freely play around with DALL·E and Stable Diffusion to generate AI art.

      🔗 shared by Yuyu
      An open-source Bitly alternative with built-in analytics and free custom domains.

      🔧 Try This

      The Racecar Growth Framework

      On SEO, sales, sponsorships and more. See Lenny’s growth insights captured in one image.

      🌟 Founder of the Week

      Elom Maurice

      “I love being part of Trends Pro. Being an entrepreneur can be lonely at times and it’s essential to find a community of people who are on a similar journey. 

      When I joined at the height of Covid, I just wanted to be part of a supportive community but ended up gaining so much more. The accountability with daily standups helped me stay on track with building Delverise. I made connections. Some of which turned into business opportunities. But the best part of being in Trends Pro is the masterminds.

      I get to chat every week with other founders, entrepreneurs, and leaders who are all building and working on awesome things to discuss our challenges and give each other feedback. Everyone is extremely helpful, shares freely and there’s a lot of useful feedback to guide you in the right direction.”

      Elom is building Delverise. A growth marketing agency helping lean teams​ and startups scale revenue faster with holistic growth solutions. He is also a member of Trends Mastermind #0002.

      What are you bullish on?
      Communal living. 

      Humans are social creatures who crave community. Yet a combination of modern technologies and culture seems to cause more isolation. I believe communal living will become popular with shared living spaces/resources/childcare/amenities/costs and more. We will modernize tribal communities of the past.

      What are you bearish on?
      Being in an office full-time for knowledge workers. 

      No matter how much employers want their employees to be in the office full-time, I don’t think it’s going to happen. There was a seismic shift in how most people think about their relationship with work during the pandemic. Those who have tasted the flexibility of remote work are unlikely to go back to the old ways. Flexible companies will have the advantage. Inflexible companies will get eclipsed in time unless they adapt. Fully-remote and hybrid work is the future. 

      What’s your most important habit?
      Getting some sun/light exposure first thing after waking up. 

      I picked up this habit from Dr. Andrew Huberman’s podcast. It has been a game-changer for me. 

      What are you reading right now?
      Zero to One by Peter Thiel. I wanted to dive into the fundamentals of building a startup and apply the same principles to Delverise.

      What product or service do you wish existed?
      Indexing, search and tagging for Twitter bookmarks. I save a lot of useful tweets that I don’t revisit because they get lost in a sea of other bookmarks.

      What’s your favorite Trends Report?
      💼 Agencies

      It was applicable to me because I’m building an agency. This report shortened my learning curve. I go back to it often to uncover more gems.

      Exclusive Deal: Elom is offering readers 30% off Growth Execution services. Email with the subject “ Deal”.

      🎧 Listen To

      Growth Outside Your Comfort Zone [Podcast]

      AJ and I jammed on doing comfort challenges, building lindy habits and building teams.

      🏆 Trends Pro Member Wins

      🆕 Ben Rhys, Sina Meraji and Ruben Dahmen became Trends Pro Members

      👥 Cameron McGrane, Katt Risen, Ralph Quintero, Chris Klaus, Ben Rhys and Sina Meraji unlocked 1:1 Founder Intros by joining daily standups

      🤖 Shashank launched the CRW RIDE Substack

      💭 Rick Jarrell launched Thinking Better

      👔 Tom Maciejewski published issue 4 of B2B Growthletter

      🎧 Simon Daley put together an MVP of Bootstrapper Podcast

      🧠 Mike Stop Continues unlocked Masterminds by reaching a 30-day standup streak

      Get Weekly Reports

      Join 65,000+ founders and investors

        📈 Unlock Pro Reports, 1:1 Intros and Masterminds

        Become a Trends Pro Member and join 1,200+ founders enjoying…

        🧠 Founder Mastermind Groups • To share goals, progress and solve problems together, each group is made up of 6 members who meet for 1 hour each Monday.

        📈 100+ Trends Pro Reports • To make sense of new markets, ideas and business models, check out our research reports.

        💬 1:1 Founder Intros • Make new friends, share lessons and find ways to help each other. Keep life interesting by meeting new founders each week.

        🧍 Daily Standups • Stay productive and accountable with daily, async standups. Unlock access to 1:1 chats, masterminds and more by building standup streaks.

        💲 100k+ Startup Discounts • Get access to $100k+ in startup discounts on AWS, Twilio, Webflow, ClickUp and more.

        🏚 Buying Abandoned Websites 💭 Doing Deep Work 🇪🇺 Fastest Growing Companies

        This week’s Founder Finds includes:

        • Building a StoryBrand
        • A copywriting handbook
        • A collection of design resources
        • Europe’s fastest growing companies
        • Maker’s Schedule, Manager’s Schedule
        • Overcoming the fear of starting something new
        • And more…

        🪶 Remember This

        Courage is a muscle.

        🤓 Fav Finds

        Tools, tweets and more from Trends Pro Members

        🎨 shared by Kevin Deol
        A comprehensive collection of design resources neatly organized for easy access.

        All the Reasons Why You Should Start Now made and shared by Michael Pearson-Adams
        A short video to help you overcome the fear of starting something new.

        🇪🇺 FT 1000: Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies shared by Stewart Townsend
        An annual ranking of the top 1,000 high-growth businesses in Europe.

        🔧 Try This

        Photo from Tyler DeVries

        Maker’s Schedule, Manager’s Schedule

        As creators, we need long, uninterrupted stretches of time to work. Managers can be productive in short spurts with speculative meetings. Check out this classic post from Paul Graham.

        🌟 Founder of the Week

        Maciej Cupial

        “I joined Trends Pro by buying a MetaTrends NFT. I immediately loved the Standups idea. It has been almost 240 days! I haven’t missed a day without doing this. Standups help me track my progress and let me be my own boss.”

        Maciej is building Calendesk. An all-in-one scheduling appointment software built for businesses. He is also a member of Trends Mastermind #0002.

        What are you bullish on?
        Blockchain technology. 

        It brings trust, transparency, immutability, and decentralization. I think it’s inevitable.

        What’s your most important habit?
        If I start working on something, I do it until I finish it. I don’t give up 🙂

        What are you reading right now?
        Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller

        At first, we completely ignored storytelling with Calendesk. There is endless potential here. This book opens your eyes after the first chapter.

        What’s your favorite Trends Report?
        🎓 Online Courses

        Exclusive Deal: Maciej is offering readers 30% off any Calendesk plan with the code “trendsvc”

        📘 Read This

        The Adweek Copywriting Handbook

        We all write copy. From tweets to text messages. 

        This is one of the best books that I’ve found on the topic. I read a small section each night.

        🏆 Trends Pro Member Wins

        🆕 David K, Rick Jarrell, Cameron McGrane and Ralph Quintero became Trends Pro Members

        👥 Gianni D’Alerta and Rick Jarrell unlocked 1:1 Founder Intros by joining daily standups

        📧 Simon Daley published Cold email guide: How to buy a website

        🌎 Rick Jarrell launched Climate Tech Brief

        🗣 KP launched a coaching program for first-time founders

        ⚙️ Ismaël Sow published Startup Grinder

        💰 Simon Daley sold Provver

        🧠 Swapnil Puranik and Alexandro Armour unlocked Masterminds by reaching 30-day standup streaks

        Get Weekly Reports

        Join 65,000+ founders and investors

          📈 Unlock Pro Reports, 1:1 Intros and Masterminds

          Become a Trends Pro Member and join 1,200+ founders enjoying…

          🧠 Founder Mastermind Groups • To share goals, progress and solve problems together, each group is made up of 6 members who meet for 1 hour each Monday.

          📈 100+ Trends Pro Reports • To make sense of new markets, ideas and business models, check out our research reports.

          💬 1:1 Founder Intros • Make new friends, share lessons and find ways to help each other. Keep life interesting by meeting new founders each week.

          🧍 Daily Standups • Stay productive and accountable with daily, async standups. Unlock access to 1:1 chats, masterminds and more by building standup streaks.

          💲 100k+ Startup Discounts • Get access to $100k+ in startup discounts on AWS, Twilio, Webflow, ClickUp and more.

          🙂 5 Happy Habits 🤖 Game Design 🧱 No-Code Platforms

          This week’s Founder Finds includes:

          • 5 daily habits for happiness
          • A collection of copy swipe files
          • How to run Stable Diffusion locally
          • 3800+ case studies of successful businesses
          • How to create work that resonates with your audience
          • And more…

          🪶 Remember This

          Writing is the process by which we discover we don’t really know what we are talking about.

          🤓 Fav Finds

          Tools, tweets and more from Trends Pro Members

          ✍️ Audience Map shared by Nash
          A step-by-step process to create resonant work that matters to your audience.

          🎨 DiffusionBee shared by Stewart Townsend
          Run Stable Diffusion locally on your M1 Mac to generate images from text.

          🏪 Starter Story shared by Victor Park
          3800+ case studies of people starting successful businesses.

          👀 Watch This

          Would winning the lottery make you happier?

          I’ve thought about hedonic adaptation on and off for the last decade. 

          In short, it means that we adjust to any environment. Good or bad. 

          We return to a baseline happiness level. No matter what. 

          But these daily habits seem to alter my baseline happiness level…

          • Meditation
          • Cold showers
          • Strength training
          • Intermittent Fasting
          • Gratitude journaling

          🌟 Founder of the Week

          Prabhjot Singh Lamba

          “I learn from everyone in my Trends Pro Mastermind and always look forward to my weekly call. In Trends Tribe, I meet amazing people for 1-1 chats.”

          Prabhjot is building A no-code platform that makes it easy and affordable to craft automations using a visual block language. He is also a member of Trends Mastermind #0002.

          What are you bullish on?
          Tech that automates or makes automation easy. Such as AI and No-Code. Automation allows us to focus on problems, ideas and solutions rather than mechanics.

          As well as tech that enables new user experiences. Such as Chatbots, AR, VR, Haptics and WebGL. Technology that creates new experiences gives us new ways to engage, have fun, be creative and open up solutions to previously-hard-to-solve problems.

          What’s your most important habit?
          I spend at least an hour a day discovering new things which may or may not be related to my current focus. The exploration habit expands my horizons, feeds my curiosity and keeps me optimistic.

          What are you reading right now?
          Advanced Game Design and Game Thinking

          There are games and systems which are easy to pick up and hard to master. But they keep you engaged throughout the journey. No-Code has a trade off between flexibility and accessibility. The more easy a tool is to use, the less flexible it is and vice versa. I’m exploring ways to minimize this trade off. Based on my current understanding, I think Game Design and Systems Thinking might provide useful frameworks and mechanics to approach solving this problem.

          What product or service do you wish existed?
          I have been coding since I was 7 years old. I had cervical spondylitis at 29 and was on bed rest for 6 months and couldn’t code. 

          The programming experience on the phone was horrible. 

          I realized there was no way to build software without sitting in front of a laptop or desktop. I came up with the idea to build Craftar to solve my problem. So that I can create software visually by connecting blocks. I wish that Craftar existed. So I’m building it.

          What’s your favorite Trends Report?
          🧱 No-Code

          This report covered the landscape of No-Code. Which was really helpful and it also featured Craftar!

          🔧 Try This

          Copy Book

          Copywriting is one of the highest-leverage skills that you can possess.

          The more examples we have, the easier things are to do. Copy Book offers swipe files for common situations such as adding FAQs and value propositions to landing pages.

          🏆 Trends Pro Member Wins

          🆕 Tem, Victor Park and Kiet Phung became Trends Pro Members

          🥇 Founder Finds became #1 Product of the Day on Product Hunt

          👥 Gokul Madan, Harit Rathi, Victor Park, Vinamra Agrawal, David K and Ryan Crownholm unlocked 1:1 Founder Intros by joining daily standups

          💲 The Team added $100k+ in Startup Discounts to Trends Pro

          📝 Tem launched HiveMind on Product Hunt

          🎙️ Sean Hua launched his podcast

          Ismaël Sow’s article Indie Hackers’ Hall of Fame reached the front page of Indie Hackers

          🚀 Gokul Madan launched My First Million – Catalog of Greatness on Product Hunt

          🧠 Kuba Siwiec unlocked Masterminds by reaching a 30-day standup streak

          Get Weekly Reports

          Join 65,000+ founders and investors

            📈 Unlock Pro Reports, 1:1 Intros and Masterminds

            Become a Trends Pro Member and join 1,200+ founders enjoying…

            🧠 Founder Mastermind Groups • To share goals, progress and solve problems together, each group is made up of 6 members who meet for 1 hour each Monday.

            📈 100+ Trends Pro Reports • To make sense of new markets, ideas and business models, check out our research reports.

            💬 1:1 Founder Intros • Make new friends, share lessons and find ways to help each other. Keep life interesting by meeting new founders each week.

            🧍 Daily Standups • Stay productive and accountable with daily, async standups. Unlock access to 1:1 chats, masterminds and more by building standup streaks.

            💲 100k+ Startup Discounts • Get access to $100k+ in startup discounts on AWS, Twilio, Webflow, ClickUp and more.

            📄 $100,000 Per Month From Notion Templates 🔥 Financial Independence 🤖 100 Days of Automation

            This week’s Founder Finds includes:

            • A FIRE calculator
            • A prompt marketplace
            • A docuseries about psychedelics
            • 12 methods to validate your business idea
            • How Thomas Frank reached $100,000/mo selling Notion templates
            • And more…

            🪶 Remember This

            This too shall pass.

            🤓 Fav Finds

            Tools, tweets and more from Trends Pro Members

            📊 built and shared by Simon Daley
            12 tried and tested methods to validate your business idea.

            🧠 PromptBase prompt marketplace shared by Stewart Townsend
            A marketplace for prompts that produce the best results in AI models like DALL·E and GPT-3.

            💭 How to Change Your Mind shared by Swapnil Puranik
            A docuseries on the history and uses of psychedelics.

            👀 Watch This

            $100,000+ Per Month Selling Notion Templates

            This is the most high insights-per-minute conversation I’ve recently heard. Thomas Frank talks about setting “impossible” goals, why consistency matters and how to keep things simple.

            🌟 Founder of the Week

            Stewart Townsend

            “It’s been amazing over the years to meet like-minded people in Trends Pro from across the globe who all want to help, understand what you are doing, share knowledge, join your company and become your friends.”

            Stewart is the co-founder of Podcast Hawk. A service that gets you booked as a podcast guest on auto-pilot. He is also the host of Trends Mastermind #0002.

            What are you bullish on?
            Text-to-Image/Video and AI-Driven Art. I believe the next Banksy will come from this space.

            What’s your most important habit?
            Everything I have to do is in a calendar. 

            Personal or business. Without enforcing this I would not be able to function. Tasks, appointments, meetings and car shows all go into my calendar. Reminders are set with updated tasks or nudges as well.

            What’s your favorite Trends Report?
            🤖 AI-Generated Content

            This report is from 2 years ago. I have been bullish on this sector for a long time and if I had a time machine I would have invested.

            🔧 Try This

            FIRE Calculator: What if you move to another place?

            This combines two of my favorite topics: Nomading and Financial Independence

            The Financial Independence Retire Early movement was also the topic of a recent report.

            🏆 Trends Pro Member Wins

            👥 Alex Adamov, Kris Ruby and Jerome Green Jr unlocked 1:1 Founder Intros by joining daily standups.

            📝 Swapnil Puranik built 101 Days Goals Tracker in 8 hours.

            ⚙️ Prabhjot Singh Lamba started 100 Days of Automation Challenge.

            🎨 Simon Daley set up his portfolio website.

            📢 Kris Ruby did an AMA about PR, Publicity, AI and Content Strategy.

            📘 Read This

            Discomfort Club

            “The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.”

            Each morning I spend time doing uncomfortable things. From trying a new tool to having a tough conversation with a friend or team member.

            Discomfort Club is a consistently great newsletter for those of us committed to growth.

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            Join 65,000+ founders and investors

              📈 Unlock Pro Reports, 1:1 Intros and Masterminds

              Become a Trends Pro Member and join 1,200+ founders enjoying…

              🧠 Founder Mastermind Groups • To share goals, progress and solve problems together, each group is made up of 6 members who meet for 1 hour each Monday.

              📈 100+ Trends Pro Reports • To make sense of new markets, ideas and business models, check out our research reports.

              💬 1:1 Founder Intros • Make new friends, share lessons and find ways to help each other. Keep life interesting by meeting new founders each week.

              🧍 Daily Standups • Stay productive and accountable with daily, async standups. Unlock access to 1:1 chats, masterminds and more by building standup streaks.

              💲 100k+ Startup Discounts • Get access to $100k+ in startup discounts on AWS, Twilio, Webflow, ClickUp and more.

              🦄 12 Startups in 12 Months 🏦 One-Person Hedge Fund 💯 100 Sales Questions

              This week’s Founder Finds includes:

              • 100 sales questions
              • A copywriting classic
              • 12 startups in 12 months
              • How to build a sustainable SaaS business
              • And more…

              🪶 Remember This

              Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time for that’s the stuff life is made of.

              🤓 Fav Finds

              Tools, tweets and more from Trends Pro Members

              🎙️ Market Analysis for Calm SaaS Businesses shared by davidacreates
              An audience-first research process to build a sustainable SaaS business.

              📖 Tested Advertising Methods shared by Kyle
              A copywriting classic by John Caples.

              🤖 Adept AI Action Transformer shared by Sunny Kay
              Tell your computer what to do and it’ll do it.

              🔧 Try This

              Hardcore Year

              Like 12 startups in 12 months. Instead of assuming that you know what will work. 

              Commit to shipping lots of things. Double-down on what works. 

              This approach led to and the projects that came before it

              It’s a reminder that business is not baseball:  

              “The difference between baseball and business, however, is that baseball has a truncated outcome distribution. When you swing, no matter how well you connect with the ball, the most runs you can get is four. In business, every once in a while, when you step up to the plate, you can score 1,000 runs. This long-tailed distribution of returns is why it’s important to be bold. Big winners pay for so many experiments.” — Bezos

              🌟 Founder of the Week

              Wit Sumathavanit

              “It’s great to be part of an ever-evolving community of interesting people in Trends Pro. I look forward to contributing more to the community.”

              Wit is a one-person hedge fund. He’s joined more than 500 Trends Pro Daily Standups. 

              What are you bullish on?
              Big changes. 

              The future is being built today. Things are getting more volatile. Market regimes are giving way to something new. Inflation and fuel costs might accelerate the reality of alternative fuel sources. Ecology is not getting any better soon as reflected in the harsher climate people experience. Crypto markets coming out of mania clears up garbage and allows for future development. Many of the big projects that headlined in the 2020-2021 era got their start in the 2018-2019 bear market.

              What are you bearish on?
              I’m bearish on being bearish! 

              There’s not much upside in being bearish. Aside from the ‘told you so’ smug points. That’s why stories like the Big Short are exceptions compared to being long or neutral. I can’t come up with many names who can build a career being net short. So do it in a healthy way. Get into the habit of rarely being net short.

              What are you reading right now? 
              I’m re-reading The Most Important Thing Illuminated by Howard Marks

              I’ve gained more experience and re-reading this feels new and important again. The book contains a lot of wisdom around professional speculation that I missed. It’s about how to operate in the markets for the long run.

              What product or service do you wish existed?
              I wish there were more reasonable paths to trade more capital aside from the professional money manager route. Since trading is highly scalable. 

              What’s your favorite Trends Report?
              🤑 Million-Dollar, One-Person Businesses

              Coming from a background in man-power intensive, low-margin hospitality businesses, I find this idea alluring. The obvious path for me is the trading/investment business which has a long record of being run by (or at least started by) a small group of people. e.g. Warren Buffett, Edward Thorp and many “Market Wizards.”

              📘 Read This

              “In a perfect world, what would you like to see happen with this?”

              100 Sales Questions

              A few days ago, we had a mastermind chat on limiting beliefs. One of my limiting beliefs was that I could not sell. Which led to the delay in launching sponsorships at 

              To challenge this, I found a guide and jumped in head first.

              Equip yourself with useful questions for sales conversations.

              🏆 Trends Pro Member Wins

              🆕 Paul Jansen, Kyle, Alex Adamov and Kris Ruby became Trends Pro Members

              👥 Mehdi Bellatig, Tarek Zalt, Harsha MV, Alex Cristian and Kyle unlocked 1:1 Founder Intros by joining daily standups.

              🤝 Simon Daley received the first LOI for his listing on MicroAcquire.

              🏷️ Mehdi Bellatig submitted the mobile version of Eden to app stores.

              Get Weekly Reports

              Join 65,000+ founders and investors

                📈 Unlock Pro Reports, 1:1 Intros and Masterminds

                Become a Trends Pro Member and join 1,200+ founders enjoying…

                🧠 Founder Mastermind Groups • To share goals, progress and solve problems together, each group is made up of 6 members who meet for 1 hour each Monday.

                📈 100+ Trends Pro Reports • To make sense of new markets, ideas and business models, check out our research reports.

                💬 1:1 Founder Intros • Make new friends, share lessons and find ways to help each other. Keep life interesting by meeting new founders each week.

                🧍 Daily Standups • Stay productive and accountable with daily, async standups. Unlock access to 1:1 chats, masterminds and more by building standup streaks.

                💲 100k+ Startup Discounts • Get access to $100k+ in startup discounts on AWS, Twilio, Webflow, ClickUp and more.

                🏖 Retiring at 39 with $660,000 🧠 Masterminds 💌 Good Sales Emails

                This week’s Founder Finds includes:

                • Retiring at 39 with $660,000
                • A tool to make visual tutorials
                • A collection of sales email examples
                • A list of online projects that generate revenue
                • And more…

                🪶 Remember This

                Focus on what you control.

                🤓 Fav Finds

                Tools, tweets and more from Trends Pro Members

                💌 Good Sales Emails from Stewart Townsend
                Learn how some of the best companies are doing sales, by looking at their email campaigns.

                👀 Make Visual Tutorials from Mikk Laos
                Document what you’re doing, instantly.

                💲 Profit Hunt from Stewart Townsend
                Discover money-making online projects

                ❔ Ask Yourself

                What is slowing down your momentum?

                A few months ago, I shared 10 things I ask myself each day. Then Jakob shared two of his own. 

                The one that I found to be the most useful is “What’s slowing down my momentum?”

                It brings to mind: Invert. Always Invert.”

                🌟 Founder of the Week

                Soma Mandal

                I love the content and rituals within Trends Pro. The community vibe is educational and respectful no matter where you are in your bootstrapper journey.

                Soma is the co-founder of Ansured. A service that provides niche, research-backed information to businesses and individuals within 48 hours. She is also the host of Trends Mastermind #0005.

                What are you bullish on?
                Personalized, virtual medicine for complex conditions.
                Patients will increasingly have access to solutions that incorporate genetic data, medical history, and practical preferences with delivery of care within a few clicks.

                Thoughts on bootstrapping…
                I love the combination of creativity, grit, and honesty that comes with bootstrapping. I enjoy the mental resilience needed to consistently fail and have the energy to try something different. I once heard that you need to have something “damaged” inside you to willingly pursue free market, ill-guided entrepreneurship. I would say what is more likely is that you have something that is propelling you towards discovery, learning, play, and in my case, what it means to really feel alive.

                What’s your favorite Trends Report?
                💼 Agencies

                👀 Watch This

                How I Retired Early At 39 In Mexico City With $660,000

                Freedom over fame is an ethos that unites Trends Pro Members

                Roshida shares how she retired early to Mexico City

                To learn more about FIRE, read our deep-dive on The FIRE Movement.

                🏆 Trends Pro Member Wins

                👥 Lola Ojabowale, Isabelle Dumortier, Tyler Priest, Krish and Davida Pitts unlocked 1:1 Founder Intros by joining standups.

                🧪 Tom Maciejewski closed his first client for his new venture. Quiz Funnels.

                🤖 Jwalant Patel reached 75,000+ signups with Helping students prepare for job interviews.

                🪄 Tal Hacmon launched Supercreator System. A six-week creator accelerator program.

                🔊 Michael Adams is a Product Manager at Waves Audio. They launched Clarity VX and VX Pro after 5 years of work.

                💸 Joshua Peck founded a hedge fund after two and a half years of incubation.

                🧠 Adrian Divecha and Stanislav Bodiagin unlocked Masterminds by reaching 30-day standup streaks.

                Get Weekly Reports

                Join 65,000+ founders and investors

                  📈 Unlock Pro Reports, 1:1 Intros and Masterminds

                  Become a Trends Pro Member and join 1,200+ founders enjoying…

                  🧠 Founder Mastermind Groups • To share goals, progress and solve problems together, each group is made up of 6 members who meet for 1 hour each Monday.

                  📈 100+ Trends Pro Reports • To make sense of new markets, ideas and business models, check out our research reports.

                  💬 1:1 Founder Intros • Make new friends, share lessons and find ways to help each other. Keep life interesting by meeting new founders each week.

                  🧍 Daily Standups • Stay productive and accountable with daily, async standups. Unlock access to 1:1 chats, masterminds and more by building standup streaks.

                  💲 100k+ Startup Discounts • Get access to $100k+ in startup discounts on AWS, Twilio, Webflow, ClickUp and more.

                  Growth Hacking: Invite-Only, Word-of-Mouth, Building Trust

                  NFT #0090 from the Meta Trends collection.

                  View on OpenSea

                  “The standard pace is for chumps.” – Kimo

                  Get Full Access to Trends Pro

                  ❓ What You’ll Learn

                  • How to find cost-effective ways to grow?
                  • How to build a low-cost referral program?
                  • How to increase your odds of virality?
                  • How to reduce switching costs?
                  • How to build backlinks?
                  • How to lower customer acquisition costs?
                  • How to get existing users to invite new users?

                  💎 Why It Matters

                  Marketing channels become competitive over time.

                  🔍 Problem

                  Traditional marketing channels are expensive.  
                  Google Ads cost per click range from $0.20 to $1,000.00+ depending on the keyword choice.

                  💡 Solution

                  Find cost-effective ways to get attention and convert customers.

                  🏁 Players

                  Growth Hacking Examples

                  Growth Hackers

                  Growth Hacking Tools

                  • Hotjar • Understand user behavior
                  • Zapier • Automate workflows
                  • Ghostery • Find out which tools websites are using 
                  • Wistia • Host videos and optimize user engagement
                  • Ahrefs • Get traffic value and ranking of competitors
                  • CrazyEgg • Survey, split test and understand user behavior
                  • Unbounce • Hone your landing page through A/B testing

                  🔮 Predictions

                  ☁️ Opportunities

                  🏔️ Risks

                  • Too Many Channels • Limit the number of experiments that you run at once. Chasing too many channels at the same time leads to context switching and can lower your chance of success. 
                  • Working in Silos • Open the floor for every team member while brainstorming growth hacks. Winning ideas can come from outside of marketing. An engineer at Pinterest optimized subject lines by 10% through automated tests.

                  🔑 Key Lessons

                  • Most prospects see through gimmicks. Put your customers first.
                  • Building a product is half of the battle. Figuring out who needs your product and how to reach them is the other half.

                  🔥 Hot Takes

                  😠 Haters

                  “These companies make growth hacking seem easy. How do these examples translate to other companies?” 
                  You’ll need to decide what makes sense for you. These are models. Try them and keep doing what works.

                  “Scraping seems illegal. Isn’t this an unethical growth tactic?”
                  If the data is public it’s yours, according to the US Supreme Court. You may decide to avoid web scraping. Competitors may decide that this is not off limits.

                  “Growth is great. But what if you’re pouring water into a leaky bucket? What about retention?”
                  Growth hacking should include experiments around retention. If you’re losing more users than you’re gaining. You’re not growing. 

                  🔗 Links

                  📁 Related Reports

                  🙏 Thanks

                  Thanks to Krish, Paul Martin, Stewart Townsend, Uwe Dreissigacker, Vishal Srivastava, Maciej Cupial, Ron Immink, Jwalant Patel, Yarty Kim, Theo Ohene, Anke Corbin and Ken. We had a great time jamming on this report.
                  ✏️ Devin researched and wrote this report. Dru researched and edited this report.

                  📈 What else?

                  Trends PRO #0090 — Growth Hacking has more insights.

                  What you’ll get:

                  • 30 Growth Hacking Examples (275% More)
                  • 30 Growth Hackers (328% More)
                  • 20 Growth Hacking Tools (185% More)
                  • 8 Predictions (100% More)
                  • 17 Opportunities (240% More)
                  • 4 Risks (100% More)
                  • 5 Key Lessons (150% More)
                  • 11 Links (266% More)

                  With Trends Pro you’ll learn:

                  • (📈 Pro) How to find your North Star Metric?
                  • (📈 Pro) How to increase user engagement?
                  • (📈 Pro) How to use web scraping to prospect and acquire customers?
                  • (📈 Pro) How to launch successful contests and challenges?
                  • (📈 Pro) How to use urgency to drive sales?
                  • (📈 Pro) How to get the most of out freemium options?
                  • (📈 Pro) How to use physical items to spur word-of-mouth marketing?
                  • (📈 Pro) How are founders “hacking” the fundraising process?
                  • (📈 Pro) How to leverage user-generated content to acquire customers?

                  Get Weekly Reports

                  Join 65,000+ founders and investors

                    📈 Unlock Pro Reports, 1:1 Intros and Masterminds

                    Become a Trends Pro Member and join 1,200+ founders enjoying…

                    🧠 Founder Mastermind Groups • To share goals, progress and solve problems together, each group is made up of 6 members who meet for 1 hour each Monday.

                    📈 100+ Trends Pro Reports • To make sense of new markets, ideas and business models, check out our research reports.

                    💬 1:1 Founder Intros • Make new friends, share lessons and find ways to help each other. Keep life interesting by meeting new founders each week.

                    🧍 Daily Standups • Stay productive and accountable with daily, async standups. Unlock access to 1:1 chats, masterminds and more by building standup streaks.

                    💲 100k+ Startup Discounts • Get access to $100k+ in startup discounts on AWS, Twilio, Webflow, ClickUp and more.

                    B2B SaaS: No-Code, Open-Source SaaS, Presales

                    NFT #0087 from the Meta Trends collection.

                    View on OpenSea

                    “The biggest competition in SaaS is a spreadsheet.” Ross Simmonds

                    Get Full Access to Trends Pro

                    ❓ What You’ll Learn

                    • How to presell to validate demand?
                    • What are growth systems?
                    • How to index into existing markets?
                    • How to use personalization to convert leads?
                    • How SaaS analytics can help you boost revenue?
                    • Why narrow your target audience?
                    • How will open-source SaaS impact B2B SaaS?
                    • What’s feature parity?

                    💎 Why It Matters

                    B2B SaaS gives you a simple, secure and accessible way to solve business problems.

                    🔍 Problem

                    You can solve internal challenges:

                    • internally by building tools and hiring
                    • externally by outsourcing the problem

                    Building your own tools can distract you from your core competency.

                    💡 Solution

                    B2B SaaS helps you focus on your core competency

                    While reaping the benefits of improvements made by teams dedicated to specific problems.

                    🏁 Players

                    B2B SaaS

                    • Make • Build and automate workflows
                    • InvoiceBerry • Online invoicing for small businesses
                    • Gusto • Payroll, benefits and HR management
                    • Hive • Manage tasks, workflows and team’s work
                    • Lanva • Social video editing app. 
                    • ClickUp • Manage tasks, docs, chat, goals and more
                    • Plausible • Open-source privacy-friendly web analytics
                    • Podcast Hawk • Podcast guest booking software. 
                    • Writesonic • AI-driven content creation
                    • Folderly • AI-Based platform to improve email deliverability.
                    • Craftar • Build APIs with No-Code
                    • Budibase • Low-code internal app builder
                    • LiveAgent • All-in-one platform for live customer support
                    • SavvyCal • Experience-focused Calendly alternative


                    • • Community of entrepreneurs discovering new markets and ideas 
                    • MicroConf • A community and event series for bootstrapped SaaS founders
                    • Indie Hackers • Real stories, advice, and revenue numbers from indie makers
                    • The Indiependent • A community for founders where you get kicked for inactivity
                    • MegaMaker • A community for bootstrappers
                    • 100DaysOfNoCode • Lessons, stories and activities for no-code founders


                    🔮 Predictions

                    • B2B SaaS companies will index into existing markets instead of trying to create new categories.
                    • Companies will use open-source SaaS to avoid platform risk and vendor lock-in.
                      • Baserow • No-code database, Airtable alternative.
                      • Fider • Feedback management tool, alternative to Canny.
                      • Chatwoot • Customer engagement platform, Intercom and Zapier alternative.
                    • Businesses will use personalization to nurture leads and convert customers at high-intent moments. Live video sales reps is the second most upvoted idea on Kernal.
                      • ConvertKit uses surveys to change onboarding paths.
                      • Candu lets you serve different content to different users.
                      • Helium lets you talk to web visitors as they land on a page.
                      • Bonjoro lets you send transactional personal videos to your customers.
                    • Businesses will use SaaS analytics to improve customer experiences. Data-driven roadmaps and pricing will help reduce churn and maximize revenue.
                      • Chargebee allows you to run billing experiments with real-time insights.
                      • Chartmogul helps you measure, understand, and grow your recurring revenue.
                      • Mixpanel helps you convert, engage and retain users with user behavior analytics.

                    ☁️ Opportunities

                    🏔️ Risks

                    • Feature parity • No-code and low-code tools make it easier to reach feature parity. This is a two-way problem. It increases competitor risk. You can catch up with competitors. They can also catch up to you. Competition lowers margins.
                    • Low Lifetime Value • This makes it hard to invest in customer acquisition. Paired with other expenses it can lead to negative cash flow and the Valley of Death.
                    • Platform Risk • Building on other platforms subjects you to their product roadmap, outages and fees. Changes to Notion API broke Super.

                    🔑 Key Lessons

                    • Micro-SaaS does not mean low revenue. “Micro” means a specific niche, target audience or set of features. Hubstaff started as a time tracker for field and remote teams. It grew to 75,000 users and $3,800,000 ARR.
                    • Growth systems > growth hacks. Growth hacks are designed for fast, low-cost user acquisition. Growth systems focus on long-term marketing strategies.

                    🔥 Hot Takes

                    • The largest SaaS categories will be commoditized by Monetized Open-Source alternatives. Rocket.Chat and n8n are open-source alternatives to Intercom and Zapier. This is counter-positioning. It’s unlikely the latter will open source. 
                    • You need lots of customers, a high customer lifetime value or both to build a great B2B SaaS business. A company without one of these is in a death zone
                    • Feature parity is a weakness of SaaS. This leads to commoditization and lower margins. Low prices and complementary services become your key differentiators.

                    😠 Haters

                    “Markets are crowded. How do I stand out?”
                    There’s a marketing strategy for every taste. AJ from Carrd says a massive market has room for many solutions. Canny got to $1,000,000 ARR in the crowded market of user feedback management. Ruth and Eric built and grew Reconvert to $120,000 MRR, competing with 750+ Shopify cross-sell and up-sell apps.

                    Sales will always have a place in B2B SaaS. Self-serve does not always work.”
                    You’re right. Especially when selling to governments and large organizations such as hospitals. Self-serve, product-led models are increasingly effective with high lifetime value customers. 

                    “Lifetime deals seem risky. What if I shut the product down?”
                    Lifetime refers to the lifetime of your product, not your lifetime. It’s more like a “pay-once-and-use-forever” deal. Despite associated risks, some SaaS companies choose lifetime deals over subscriptions. Infinity ran a lifetime deal before official launch and decided to keep their pricing that way forever.

                    “Using open-source tools means self-hosting and taking on other responsibilities.”
                    There’s no free lunch. That’s the price of agency. Open source alternatives often offer hosted versions as well.

                    🔗 Links

                    📁 Related Reports

                    🙏 Thanks

                    Thanks to Rob Walling, Reza Saeedi, Stewart Townsend, Prabhjot Singh, Uwe Dreissigacker, Tarun Muvvala, Soma Mandal, Kimsia Sim, Darren Travel, Ben Alexander, Ab Advany, Yun, Niklas Nielsen and Vladislav Podolyako. We had a great time jamming on this report.

                    ✏️ Emin researched and wrote this report. Dru researched and edited this report.

                    📈 What else?

                    Trends PRO #0088 — B2B SaaS has more insights.

                    What you’ll get:

                    • 36 B2B SaaS Examples (157% More)
                    • 23 Communities (283% More)
                    • 23 B2B SaaS Funds (228% More)
                    • 15 Predictions (275% More)
                    • 16 Opportunities (300% More)
                    • 6 Risks (100% More)
                    • 4 Key Lessons (100% More)
                    • 6 Hot Takes (100% More)
                    • 15 Links (400% More)

                    With Trends Pro you’ll learn:

                    • (📈 Pro) How to build fast with no-code tools?
                    • (📈 Pro) How to leverage product-led growth?
                    • (📈 Pro) Why buy instead of build?
                    • (📈 Pro) How to monetize open-source SaaS?
                    • (📈 Pro) What’s the difference between passive and active SaaS?
                    • (📈 Pro) What are 8 examples of B2B SaaS lifetime deals that generated up to $800,000?
                    • (📈 Pro) What is software-with-a-service?
                    • (📈 Pro) How to hyper niche?
                    • (📈 Pro) How to add value with APIs and integrations?
                    • (📈 Pro) Where to buy SaaS apps?
                    • (📈 Pro) How to reduce churn with customization?
                    • (📈 Pro) What are 5 examples of white-label SaaS?
                    • (📈 Pro) Why build your SaaS in public?
                    • (📈 Pro) How to leverage existing ecosystems to grow your SaaS?
                    • (📈 Pro) And much more…

                    Get Weekly Reports

                    Join 65,000+ founders and investors

                      📈 Unlock Pro Reports, 1:1 Intros and Masterminds

                      Become a Trends Pro Member and join 1,200+ founders enjoying…

                      🧠 Founder Mastermind Groups • To share goals, progress and solve problems together, each group is made up of 6 members who meet for 1 hour each Monday.

                      📈 100+ Trends Pro Reports • To make sense of new markets, ideas and business models, check out our research reports.

                      💬 1:1 Founder Intros • Make new friends, share lessons and find ways to help each other. Keep life interesting by meeting new founders each week.

                      🧍 Daily Standups • Stay productive and accountable with daily, async standups. Unlock access to 1:1 chats, masterminds and more by building standup streaks.

                      💲 100k+ Startup Discounts • Get access to $100k+ in startup discounts on AWS, Twilio, Webflow, ClickUp and more.